Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I haven't really done anything since the Great Eel Situation of the other day, except for suspect my host family of housing some sort of mutant. It's a small house. Living room and kitchen are separated by a door to the bedroom/bathroom area of the rest of the house. I know the toilet and bathroom well enough. Without much detective work on my behalf, I had worked out which was the master bedroom and the spare room (where Rodolphe, the recent uni graduate is now residing for the fist time in his life.) Then there was the mysterious door. I knew there were only two berdooms, the nights that Jan was here, he shared the bed with his brother. A few times when I knew everyone was out, I'd try opening the door a bit, but it was quite stiff. Then yesterday, finally alone again, I put some elbow grease into it, only opening it slightly enough to reveal a little table with a tea cup and a water glass on it, and a snowy television screen. I pulled it shut, heart racing, KNOWING in my heart that there was some sort of mongoloid child in there. I went outside to try looking into the window, and found there was only the living room window and the master bedroom. This poor child has no view to the outside world! I tried pushing the whole experience out of my mind, however, somehow, later that afternoon, after the family had come home from a hard days work, I found myself pushing the door handle down again, I didn't know what was coming over me, I was risking the trust of this loving family, a great thing I have going here, no rent, my own caravan, use of a car... for something that was definately not my business. I couldn't stop myself though! The same scene was laid out for me, except for one thing... a movement caught my eye... Marie Lou, the lady of the house, walking past the window...
I realised that it was a second door to the living room. I'd left the tele on and my dishes on the table. I watch too many stupid horror movies.

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