Sunday, July 26, 2009

Last night, as usual, I was lying in bed with the window open, reading my book and listening to music from my laptop. Between tracks I noticed music coming from outside, so I turned my music off to listen. The band was hard to hear, but the sax was so loud it was like it was playing a few metres away, the sound bouncing off the cliffs and hills around, causing it to have an echo, a very dreamy, acidy sound... then the tune ended, and I could tell there was a huge croud. I remembered someone saying that Sonny Rollins was going to be in town, but I didn't know when. I listened for a few more tunes, I was so tired but I felt like I didn't want to miss anything, then after a really upbeat tune, a booming voice said "merci beaucoup" a few times in a bad french accent, then introduced the band, and said "I'm Sonny Rollins, goodnight!" I was a bit dissapointed I wasn't there, but it was quite nice being alone in my breezy shoebox, being serenaded through the open window.

This morning, out this same window, 4 floors up, I saw a grasshopper on a leaf. Crazy grasshopper.

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