Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A hornet is building a nest behind a post card of an infant crying, that blocks a hole that looks like it was punched by a mini fist. It buzzes incessantly, and I'm scared that thousands are going to fly out and maul me to death.

A busy few days. Of course, there was Bastille day, we went to a small villiage and payed 10 where is the euro button? to get in, walk up a steep hill and watch poor quality street performers, but it was nice none the less. I still can't get over how non european the french look, maybe its just the deep south french... Fat, bald, fair haired, fashion unconscious...

Today we went to the river, and built an island. I really need to get my camera connected. We built a bridge to the island, and lit a fire on it. Tomorrow we'll go back to see if it survived the night.

Friday is a day trip to spain, and the day I SHOULD get an email to find out if I got into the UTAS orchestra summer school.

I got an ridiculous email, saying that seeing as I was the recipient of a grant, could I email them to say how it helped me, with a photo of me with my instrument, and lots of other crap... It was 100 where is the dollar sign? for 20 hours rehearsal plus travel and practice time. HA, no, fuck you. I don't want this to be a rant blog, but sometime you have to let off some steam!

Saturday morning is my last day in the Bayonne/Biarritz area, I spend 2 days in Narbonne (and will see Harry Potter, I have a feeling it won't be shown in VO (vergion originale) french dub only.

Monday I'm off to Nice. I'm really scared. They're all going to be a lot better than me, and I will be so embarressed and disheartened that I'll never play again.

I appologise for this rant, if anyones reading. It won't happen again.

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