Sunday, April 19, 2009

January 23, 2009
Tonight Chrispy got struck by lightning. Then Heidi and I played trash santa, where you load up a shopping trolley with rubbish, walk down the street at midnight, and put a bag of rubbish in each neighbours bins.
January 19, 2009
Dickson pool is nice, but it can make you feel like an old, creepy person. I like that if you are not swimming, you’re a spectator. A little boy wiggled his acorn in Jacqui’s face, said he was going to have sex with her, but she said no.
April 13, 2009

I heard the morningbirds when I was going to bed last night. I watched SIX movies yesterday. I wasn’t even trying to have a marathon.

Fast times of Ridgemont high was watched at about noon. I liked it, I didn’t love it.

The Clique was the first movie of the evening for Heidi and I. We love teen chick flicks. This one was a bit of a let down, because they tried to ‘break free of the formula’ which is just so dumb. Noone got the boy, the looser just ended up having friends… who wants to see that?

Then came the 2 small cups of tea which were the reason for my sleeplessness

Cocktails with Tom Cruise was the next flick. Ha. It’s confusing, because he was a bit of a dreamboat, but with the image of today Tom was fairly strongly imprinted in my head whilst watching. Plus he was a bit of a douche bag in this.

Poltergeist is a wonderful movie about ghosts.

Gattaca came next, and was probably my favorite of the evening. It was so pretty and yellow and the kind of movie I felt like watching again straight away. Uma Thurman.

Ghost World was last. I enjoyed it, up until my bladder decided to be completely full, and I didn’t want to miss any, or pause the movie. It was quite uncomfortable.

Then I slept for 3 hours and woke up completely unable to snooze, so here I am.

March 6, 2009

Hey Warwick, you cunt!

I was probably drunker than I should have been to perform… I like though, that when you learn a skill like playing music, that even if you’re too drunk to stand straight, you can still play pretty much just as well. Pretty much…
March 3, 2009

I was really glad that Pacey won over Dawson, good move Joey, good move.

The bootlegs was fun. I like Voss. RIP, Jed. Soon, anyway.

February 26, 2009

The Middle East

Last night was so fun! I wore Jon’s roller-skates. By the way, Jon is our new house mate, and boy is he nice! Anyway, I rolled to the front which was so fun, and then it was fun because everyone wanted to talk to roller girl! Then all of a sudden, one leg went one way, the other went the other, arms went flailing, which was bad because I was holding a beer. I got beer ALL OVER MY HEAD AND DOWN MY FACE, EW!

They were such a good band. And most of them were quite dream boaty! I have just realised that I would make a terrible music critic.

February 26, 2009

25 things about myself

1. I like to ride my bicycle.
2. I can’t stand power points that are switched on with nothing plugged in.
3. I have always had a thing with stickers, I refuse to stick them to anything, because I am sure that a better place will seem evident the moment the sticker’s been stuck, I save it for so long that I lose it.
4. I am constantly doing something with my hands, if I have nothing to fiddle with, I will crack my knuckles or tap my fingers.
5. If I’m not listening to music or playing music, there is music going round in my head, with no exception. It can be annoying.
6. I love symmetry.
7. I am an atrocious speller (tried my darndest to work out ‘symmetry’ without the help of spell check, to no avail).
8. Tail bone injuries are awful. My first was falling off a pony whilst doing a spot of jumping (I believe I was riding Stodgy at the time (as a kid, I never thought that was a unusual name)). The most resent was embarrassing. Roller skates and beer do not mix well.
9. As a child I was petrified of P.E. participation. I would do absolutely anything to avoid it; invent injuries, ‘forget’ P.E. uniform, forge notes, and if these wouldn’t work, and I HAD to participate, team sports I’d avoid eye contact with all players, that usually worked, or if it was having a go at long jump, high jump, anything jumpy or such, I’d keep going to the back of the line. I always felt I’d be ridiculed for being terrible at it, whatever sport it happened to be, thinking that my past failure to participate had rendered me far less practiced at sporty activity… thus causing me to avoid future participation. (If you got through this whole point, I salute you.)
10. I’ve never really understood how to use a semicolon correctly, and that really bugs me.
11. I don’t shower very often.
12. When I watch movies, I can’t help but see the extra’s as extra’s, sometimes I miss important expressions on central characters faces because I’m too busy looking at the extra’s trying to look natural.
13. I’d love to believe 13 to be an unlucky number, I love the idea of superstition, religious beliefs (not religion itself), and belief in the supernatural, however I never believe anything unscientifically plausible. That being said, I SWEAR I saw a ghost the other night, I screamed quite loudly.
14. I’ve been caught out by my computers spell check at least 8 times already for breaking the ‘i before e except after c’ rule. In #13 I wrote belief/ve 4 times wrong. Will I never learn?
15. I generally fail at recognising a new face until I’ve been introduced 3 times. It can prove to be quite embarrassing, it by no means means that I didn’t enjoy the first conversation, and I sincerely appologise to anyone who has had the privilege of seeing this in action.
16. I am so scared of spiders, to the point of retching, however I have no fear of being bitten by one, only of being creepy crawled upon.
17. My BFF is overseas, and sometimes that makes me sad.
18. I’d love to write music but I can’t write words, and that stops me. (I just tried to write ‘stops’ with two Ps.)
19. I’m enrolled in 9 classes. (8 of which are 3 point ones, still, quite a heavy work load… watch me fall apart this semester!)
20. I spend hours every day practicing classical violin, however I quite often get far more enjoyment out of band playing… for some reason that does deter me at all.
21. I am about to attempt to read Voss. Everyone in the band has read it, and there is an upcoming Voss festival, in which I am to perform… I think it’s time for me to read it… I fear it will be awfully dull.
22. I really enjoy Catholic pictures and statues, especially tacky ones. Holographic Jesus pictures are great. I have one, he’s on the cross, one image with head up, dying, one dead.
23. I love the french language, yet when the opportunity arises to use it, I freak out and speak english.
24. When I read a book, I can’t help but adopt the protagonists use of language. This was most fun when reading the Narnia chronicles, ‘do lets’ and ‘ever so glad’ are fun to say.
25. I really don’t know what I’d do if I went deaf. As overly dramatic as it sounds, I don’t think I could find my point in living. I’d rather lose both my hands.
February 20, 2009

My new student today was really cute… the first thing she said was “I love music lessons!” then I asked her where her violin was, she looked around, like it might just being lying out on the ground, and then looked confused… I asked if she brought it today, and she really couldn’t answer that, then finally said “I don’t think I have a violin.” then ran away.

February 8, 2009

Last night I had a long black at 8pm. At 6am I wrote this on my computer (I have no internet):

I went on a ant rid-rampage today.. now when I close my eyes, I see ants. (Ant rid is a sweet and [delayed reaction] deadly substance that you dribble along a well used ant track, they suck it up, bring it back home, and the queen dies It was quite interesting.) I had three locations. Two were in the kitchen, one of which was with the little ants, and one with the bigger ants. Not the bull ants, the ones a third their size. They reminded me so very much of cattle. At their busiest there were no more than 20. If I made any noise near them, they’d flee. But the little ones couldn’t care less what you do near them, and they flocked in their trillions. The third locale was the toilet, as weird as that may sound. Quite annoying, actually. The cistern is broken, we leave the lid off. There’s a busy stream of ants going in, and when you flush, after the water goes down to empty, it rises back above the normal level for a few minutes. This catches a whole bunch of ants, who float around waiting to be saved, until the next flush, when they get flushed down. So we quite often have a pool of ants in the toilet. Anyway, end of this rant, the point is, I close my eyes, I see ants.

I’ve been watching Dawson’s Creek. I watch too many television box sets. Anyway, there was a blair witch-esque episode, and it scared the bejeezies out of me, so much so that I had to pause it and go and talk to Mike for a minute. (Who, by the way, has spent the weekend in his cuttoffs, in nothing BUT his cuttoffs. Hello ladies.) I am so easily scared.

I miss Heidi. My computer says Heidi is spelt wrong. The suggested spelling that I like the best is Heyday. Heyday Freedom. Every time I try to write Freedom, I write Freedome first. I’m a terrible speller. Anyway, I hope Heyday doesn’t mind that I watched Dawson in her room, at 3am, tv blaring isn’t what Michael needs to hear.

January 28, 2009

Spiders are creepy crawlies.

When Owen chased the spider into my car, we went back an hour so later to check for it, and he assured me it was gone. I found that somewhat dubious.

A day had passed. I was preparing to go on another non date date with Brodes. We were going to see a movie, and I had to drive, national velvet is under the weather… Opened car door, leaned in to get something, felt spider web on my face, but thought ‘I’m not scared of spiders any more.’

As I was stepping out of the car, I looked at the door, there was a huntsman on it. I squealed at the top of my lungs, almost vomited, and began an embarrassing session of hyperventilation.

I soon calmed down (sort of) and decided that something must be done. I couldn’t leave my car unattended, the door was open, and I needed to keep an eye on the devil. My only real option was the damsel in distress option… I called Brodes and said I couldn’t come and pick him up, and that he’d have to come. Tres embarrassant.

I had decided that the reason there had been a spider on my car was because it had dropped out of a tree. So then I was too scared to stand under the tree, so I sweated my arse off waiting in the sun for Brodes.

The spider ran back into the car when I started to throw sticks at it. I’m scared of my car now, but that’s good for the environment.

January 28, 2009

Spiders are creepy crawlies.

When Owen chased the spider into my car, we went back an hour so later to check for it, and he assured me it was gone. I found that somewhat dubious.

A day had passed. I was preparing to go on another non date date with Brodes. We were going to see a movie, and I had to drive, national velvet is under the weather… Opened car door, leaned in to get something, felt spider web on my face, but thought ‘I’m not scared of spiders any more.’

As I was stepping out of the car, I looked at the door, there was a huntsman on it. I squealed at the top of my lungs, almost vomited, and began an embarrassing session of hyperventilation.

I soon calmed down (sort of) and decided that something must be done. I couldn’t leave my car unattended, the door was open, and I needed to keep an eye on the devil. My only real option was the damsel in distress option… I called Brodes and said I couldn’t come and pick him up, and that he’d have to come. Tres embarrassant.

I had decided that the reason there had been a spider on my car was because it had dropped out of a tree. So then I was too scared to stand under the tree, so I sweated my arse off waiting in the sun for Brodes.

The spider ran back into the car when I started to throw sticks at it. I’m scared of my car now, but that’s good for the environment.

December 31

Dear Diary,

today as I was crossing the road when the little man was red but there was only one car coming and I timed it well because I’m the worlds most efficient road crosser, I got honked at by said car and the lady pointed to the side of the road in a its-not-your-turn-go-back-to-the-side-of-the-road kind of way. What a bitchface.

ps merry new year